Created by renowned photographer Richard Ansett, this new portrait at the Fitzrovia Chapel focuses on Grayson Perry’s alter ego, Claire. ‘Claire is not a natural mother. This is a trans-immaculate conception and a perfect synergy with The Fitzrovia Chapel.’ said Ansett of his new work ‘Birth’.
The 60×40″ photographic portrait is produced onto Kodak Duratran, then reverse mounted on acrylic, by our expert printing and mounting technicians, complete with a bespoke lightbox frame.
Artist Grayson Perry will unveil this ‘iconic and iconoclastic’ portrait of himself at the Fitzrovia Chapel at the end of January. A reworking of the motif of mother and child, this huge lightbox will illuminate the chapel from an impious placement on the altar. This piece of art installation showcases a balance between the influence of centuries of art history and religious symbolism with high-camp photographic parody, a vulgar appropriation for the 21st Century. ‘It’s like art.’ says Perry
Faye Hughes, Artistic Director, the esteemed Fitzrovia Chapel, said, ‘We are thrilled to be opening 2019 with the bright lights and glorious contradictions of Richard Ansett’s ‘Birth’. An artist photographing an artist dressed as a woman illuminating a secular chapel that’s dressed like a traditional church. Perfect.’