Her Ground includes nine international contemporary artists, each approaching ideas of landscape and the connections to be found between landscape and cultural identity from their varied perspectives. Works on view explore notions of power, agency and sexual politics, concerning the control, access and definition of land, amongst others. Often the landscape is presented in fragmented or constructed forms, incorporating new concepts of landscape through mythology, memory and the imagination.
Metro Imaging was delighted to have worked with one of the exhibiting artists, Dafna Talmor, this time mounting her intricate handprints to Aluminium.
You can read more about our work with Dafna here.
About the artist:
Dafna Talmor is a London-based artist whose practise encompasses photography, video, curation and collaborations. Her Constructed Landscapes transform colour negatives of landscapes initially taken as mere keepsakes through the act of slicing and splicing. The resulting photographs allude to an imaginary place, idealised spaces or virtual spaces that exist beyond their fractured surfaces. The act of physically merging landscapes from different parts of the world acts as a metaphor for the transitional nature of belonging in today’s globalised societies. The Constructed Landscapes blur notions of space, memory and time to create a space that defies specificity and reflects the transience of our contemporary world.
Exhibition Details:
Private View: Thursday 11 July 6:00 – 8:00 pm.
Exhibition continues: 12 July – 31 August 2019
Flowers Gallery East, 82 Kingsland Road